Dale Turner







The concept of anointing holds significant theological weight within Christianity, often associated with divine empowerment, healing, and sanctification. When examined in the context of the cross of Jesus Christ, anointing takes on a profound dimension that resonates with the redemptive work of Christ. This article explores the doctrine of anointing, its connection to the cross, and six practical meanings of spiritual anointing for believers today.

Understanding the Doctrine of Anointing.


Anointing in biblical terms primarily signifies the act of pouring oil over someone or something as a symbol of consecration, empowerment, or blessing. In the Old Testament, kings, priests, and prophets were anointed to signify their special calling and the divine authority bestowed upon them. For instance, David was anointed by the prophet Samuel to signify God’s selection as king (1 Samuel 16:12-13). In the New Testament, this concept evolves with Jesus, who is described as the “Anointed One” (Christos in Greek),fulfilling the roles of prophet, priest, and king.


When we consider the cross, the ultimate act of sacrificial love and redemption, the anointing takes on an even deeper meaning. The anointing of Jesus foreshadows His sacrificial death and the new covenant established through His blood. The cross is the culmination of His anointing, where He fulfills His role as the Messiah, providing salvation and reconciliation between God and humanity.

The Relationship Between Anointing and the Cross.


The cross serves as the pivotal point of Jesus’ anointing. Through His suffering and sacrifice, He brings the promise of anointing to all believers. The Holy Spirit, who anointed Jesus for His ministry (Luke 4:18), is now given to believers, empowering them to live out their faith. Thus, the anointing represents not only Jesus’ divine authority but also the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians today.

Empowerment for Service.


The anointing empowers believers to serve in various capacities within the body of Christ. Just as Jesus was anointed to preach, heal, and set captives free, so are believers anointed to carry out His mission (Acts 1:8). This empowerment is essential for effective ministry, enabling individuals to step out in faith and obedience.

Healing and Restoration.


Spiritual anointing signifies God’s healing power available to His people. James 5:14 instructs believers to anoint the sick with oil, symbolizing prayerful intercession and divine healing. This practice underscores the holistic nature of God’s care for His creation, as He desires to restore both physical and spiritual well-being.

Protection from the Enemy.


The anointing acts as a shield against spiritual attacks. In Psalm 23, David notes, “You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows,” symbolizing God’s provision and protection. Believers can find comfort in knowing that they are equipped with the authority and strength to resist temptation and spiritual warfare through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Intimacy with God.


Anointing fosters a deeper relationship with God. In 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, Paul writes that God anoints believers and seals them with the Holy Spirit, establishing them as His own. This seal signifies belonging and intimacy, inviting believers into a more profound experience of God’s presence and love.

Identity and Purpose.


The anointing defines a believer’s identity in Christ. 1 John 2:20 affirms that all believers have received an anointing from the Holy One, providing them with knowledge and insight. This identity instills confidence and purpose, reminding believers that they are set apart for God’s glory and His kingdom work.

Fruitfulness in Life and Ministry.


Anointing cultivates spiritual fruit in the lives of believers. Galatians 5:22-23 outlines the fruit of the Spirit, which flourishes in the life of a person who is spiritually anointed. This fruitfulness reflects the character of Christ and serves as a testimony to others, drawing them toward the Gospel message.



The doctrine of anointing, intricately connected to the cross of Jesus Christ, reveals the depth of God’s grace and the empowerment available to believers. Through the anointing, Christians are equipped for service, experience healing, find protection, deepen their intimacy with God, understand their identity and purpose, and bear fruit in their lives. As believers embrace the spiritual anointing granted through Christ’s sacrifice, they step into their God-given calling, transforming their lives and the world around them. In the light of the cross, anointing becomes a powerful reminder of the ongoing work of Christ through His Spirit in the hearts of those who believe.


Click here to hear a sermon about anointing.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp-0zydiLwM


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Sacrifice                                         https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/9442/

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