Dale Turner

Prayer And the Cross



Prayer and the Cross



Prayer and the Cross.


The cross is central to Christian theology, representing the intersection of divine grace, human sinfulness, and ultimate redemption. It is also a profound symbol of suffering, sacrifice, and unconditional love. By examining the cross, one can derive meaningful insights into the nature of prayer, enhancing spiritual practice with depth and sincerity. Here are six characteristics of prayer, gleaned from an understanding of the cross:


1. Submission.


Prayer, much like the attitude Jesus exhibited during His crucifixion, involves submission to God’s will. At the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). This moment encapsulates the essence of prayer as a surrender to God’s divine plan, rather than a demand for personal desires. It teaches believers to approach God with open hearts and a willingness to align their wills with His, irrespective of personal cost.


2. Intercession.


The cross is a powerful testament to the role of intercession—Christ died for others, bearing the sins of humanity. Similarly, prayer is not solely about individual needs but also about interceding for others. This intercessory nature of prayer reflects a selfless love, a desire to see others blessed, healed, and transformed, much as Christ wished for humanity through His sacrifice.


3. Forgiveness.


On the cross, one of Jesus’ last acts was to forgive those who crucified Him, asking God, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). Prayer, therefore, is a channel through which forgiveness flows—from God to us, and from us to others. This characteristic of prayer encourages a posture of forgiving others as we have been forgiven, a crucial step in the healing and reconciliation process.


4. Suffering and Empathy.


The cross symbolizes suffering and the empathetic sharing in the pains of others. In prayer, this translates into a profound empathy for the sufferings of others, asking God to alleviate their burdens and provide comfort. Prayer connects believers not only to God but also to the struggles and pains of their fellow human beings, fostering a community bound by shared compassion and understanding.


5. Hope.


Despite its depiction of suffering, the cross ultimately represents hope—the resurrection promises eternal life and victory over sin and death. In prayer, this characteristic reminds believers to maintain hope in the darkest times, trusting in God’s promise of renewal and restoration. Hope in prayer fuels perseverance, encouraging believers to continue in faith even when circumstances seem bleak.


6. Transformation.


The cross is the epitome of transformative power, changing the course of history and individual lives. Prayer mirrors this transformation, providing a space for spiritual growth and renewal. Through prayer, believers are invited to experience continual transformation, becoming more like Christ in their thoughts, actions, and desires.


In conclusion, understanding the cross enriches the practice of prayer, embedding it with layers of meaning that go beyond simple petitions. It teaches believers to submit to God’s will, intercede for others, forgive, share in the sufferings of others, maintain hope, and embrace transformation. These characteristics make prayer a profound dialogue with God, shaped by the very principles that the cross embodies.


Click the following link for a free PDF copy of Dale Turner’s new book, “31 Connections Thar Will Help You Conquer Depression.”  https://wished-for.com/new-book/


The book is also available on Amazon by clicking this link. https://amzn.to/4agetzy

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“Wisdom from the Cross” is a free weekly devotional letter from Pastor Dale Turner, available through 21st Century Ministries at https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/ 


You can read about past issues on this website.  Sign up for Dale’s email list using the following link to receive future devotional letters. https://wished-for.com/join-email-list/


Click the links below to read more articles from “Wisdom from the Cross.”


Wisdom From the Cross      https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/wisdom-from-the-cross/
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