Dale Turner





The cross, universally recognized as the central emblem of Christianity, embodies a profound personal victory for believers, transcending its historical and theological significance. It represents a personal journey of transformation, redemption, and the triumphant power of faith that each believer can experience. This article delves into the concept of the cross as a symbol of personal victory, exploring how it impacts individual lives and spiritual journeys.

Spiritual Transformation Through the Cross.

For many believers, the cross is not just a symbol of Christ’s sacrifice; it is a daily reminder of the transformative power of that sacrifice in their own lives. The message of the cross offers a path to renewal and change. It calls individuals to lay down their old selves, with their faults and failures, and to rise anew in the image of Christ. This process of transformation is deeply personal, involving repentance, surrender, and a heartfelt embrace of divine grace.

Redemption and Healing.

At the heart of the cross’s victory is the concept of redemption—being bought back from bondage and restored to a state of grace. For Christians, this redemption is both a one-time event and a continuous experience. Each day, believers find new reasons to claim the victory of the cross in their battles against personal sins and struggles. The cross also brings healing—emotional, physical, and spiritual—as it reassures individuals of their worth and God’s unwavering love for them.

Overcoming Challenges.

The personal victory of the cross also manifests in how believers handle life’s challenges. Armed with faith, many find strength and resilience they never knew they had. The cross is a testament that victory is possible even in the darkest times, echoing Jesus’ triumph over the most formidable enemy: death itself. This perspective transforms how believers view their trials—not as insurmountable obstacles but as opportunities for growth and deepened faith.

Faith in Action.

The victory of the cross compels believers to live out their faith actively. It’s about loving others, serving communities, and being agents of change. The personal victory seen in Jesus’ sacrifice encourages followers to act justly and walk humbly, embodying the principles He lived by. This is faith in action, where the personal impact of the cross radiates outward, influencing others and making tangible differences in the world.

An Anchor in Times of Doubt.

The cross also serves as an anchor in times of doubt and uncertainty. When faced with questions or spiritual fatigue, the victory of the cross reassures believers of the presence and power of God in their lives. It reaffirms their faith journey, reminding them of the countless others who have found hope and courage at the foot of the cross.


The personal victory of the cross is a dynamic and powerful force in the lives of believers. It encapsulates the journey from captivity to freedom, sorrow to joy, and death to life. Each believer’s experience with the cross is unique, yet universally, it offers a profound narrative of victory that echoes through the ages. As a source of inspiration, guidance, and strength, the cross stands not just as a symbol of what was achieved, but what can be lived every day. Through the personal victory of the cross, believers continue to find new meaning, purpose, and joy in their walk with God.

Click the following link for a free PDF copy of Dale Turner’s new book, “31 Connections Thar Will Help You Conquer Depression.”  https://wished-for.com/new-book/

The book is also available on Amazon by clicking this link. https://amzn.to/4agetzy

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“Wisdom from the Cross” is a free weekly devotional letter from Pastor Dale Turner, available through 21st Century Ministries at https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/ You can read about past issues on this website.  Sign up for Dale’s email list using the following link to receive future devotional letters. https://wished-for.com/join-email-list/

Click the links below to read more articles from “Wisdom from the Cross.”

Wisdom From the Cross      https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/wisdom-from-the-cross/
Unconditional Love               https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/unconditional-love/
Sacrifice                                  https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/9442/
Forgiveness                            https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/forgiveness/
Humility                                    https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/1041-2/
Redemption                             https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/redemption/
Hope                                          https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/hope/
Suffering                                    https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/suffering/
Faith Overcomes Doubt         https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/faith-overcomes-doubt/
Resurrection                               https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/resurrection/
I Serve a Risen Savior              https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/i-serve-a-risen-savior/
In The World Today                  https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/in-the-world-today/
Jesus Christ Our Substitute   https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/jesus-christ-our-substitute/
Salvation                                      https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/salvation/
Grace                                            https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/grace/
Witness                                         https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/witness/
Walking By the Spirit                https://21stcenturyrenewalministries.com/walking-by-the-spirit/