Dale Turner

In The World Today

Alive Forever - Resurrection

In The World Today


In contemporary Christian thought, Jesus Christ’s living presence is not just a historical fact but a current reality that influences the lives of millions around the world. Christians believe that Jesus, though he lived on earth over 2,000 years ago, remains present and active today. This belief is rooted in scriptural teachings and the ongoing experiences of believers. Here, we explore why many Christians hold firmly to the reality of Jesus’s presence in the 21st century.

Theological Foundations.

Resurrection and Ascension: Central to Christian belief is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which asserts that He rose from the dead three days after His crucifixion. This event is seen as a demonstration of His divine nature and a testament to His ongoing life. The ascension of Jesus into heaven, witnessed by His disciples, is often cited as the precursor to His current heavenly ministry and His ability to be present with believers through the Holy Spirit.

Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: After His ascension, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide, comfort, and dwell within His followers (John 14:16-18). The Holy Spirit is often described as the presence of Christ in the world today, actively working in and through believers to accomplish God’s purposes.

The Doctrine of the Trinity: The Christian understanding of God as a Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—allows believers to recognize Jesus eternally existent and continuously active in the world. This triune nature of God supports the belief that Jesus, though not physically present, is still experientially honest in the lives of believers.

Manifestations of Christ’s Presence.

Sacraments and Worship: In many Christian traditions, Jesus is believed to be especially present in the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist (also known as Communion). This sacrament is often seen as a literal or symbolic participation in the body and blood of Christ, making Him present to the faithful.

Scriptural Engagement: The Bible is considered the Word of God, with Jesus often described as the Word made flesh (John 1:14). Therefore, engaging with scripture is another way Christians experience the living presence of Jesus, hearing His voice and receiving His guidance.

Prayer and Meditation: Through prayer, Christians communicate with Jesus, expressing their adoration, confessions, thanksgiving, and requests. Many report feeling His presence and receiving direction and comfort in these moments of intimate communication.

Christian Community: The church is often called the Body of Christ on earth. Through mutual support, love, and service, believers experience Jesus’ presence in their interactions and collective worship.

Transformational Experiences: Personal testimonies of life changes and miracles are commonly cited by Christians as evidence of Jesus’s active presence in the world. These transformations are seen as the work of Christ, reshaping lives and circumstances in ways that point to His reality and power.

Social and Moral Influence: Jesus’ teachings influence global ethics and social values. His commandments to love one’s neighbor and serve the less fortunate have inspired countless charitable organizations and movements for social justice, suggesting His ongoing impact and presence.


For many believers, Jesus Christ’s presence in the 21st century is as tangible as spiritual. While not physically visible, His influence permeates all aspects of life and culture, guided by scripture, enacted through the Church, and felt personally by individuals. This belief offers comfort and guidance to Christians and motivates them to live out their faith in dynamic and transformative ways, evidencing the living Jesus in today’s world.

Click the following link for a free PDF copy of Dale Turner’s new book, “31 Connections That Will Help You Conquer Depression.  https://wished-for.com/join-email-list/   The free PDF book is mailed to Dale’s email list every Friday. 

The book is also available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/4apdMUR.   As an Amazon Associate, Dale Turner earns from qualified purchases.

Unconditional love             https://daleturner.org/unconditional-love/

In The World Today

Alive Forever - Resurrection

In The World Today


In contemporary Christian thought, Jesus Christ’s living presence is not just a historical fact but a current reality that influences the lives of millions around the world. Christians believe that Jesus, though he lived on earth over 2,000 years ago, remains present and active today. This belief is rooted in scriptural teachings and the ongoing experiences of believers. Here, we explore why many Christians hold firmly to the reality of Jesus’s presence in the 21st century.

Theological Foundations.

Resurrection and Ascension: Central to Christian belief is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which asserts that He rose from the dead three days after His crucifixion. This event is seen as a demonstration of His divine nature and a testament to His ongoing life. The ascension of Jesus into heaven, witnessed by His disciples, is often cited as the precursor to His current heavenly ministry and His ability to be present with believers through the Holy Spirit.

Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: After His ascension, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide, comfort, and dwell within His followers (John 14:16-18). The Holy Spirit is often described as the presence of Christ in the world today, actively working in and through believers to accomplish God’s purposes.

The Doctrine of the Trinity: The Christian understanding of God as a Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—allows believers to recognize Jesus eternally existent and continuously active in the world. This triune nature of God supports the belief that Jesus, though not physically present, is still experientially honest in the lives of believers.

Manifestations of Christ’s Presence

Sacraments and Worship: In many Christian traditions, Jesus is believed to be especially present in the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist (also known as Communion). This sacrament is often seen as a literal or symbolic participation in the body and blood of Christ, making Him present to the faithful.

Scriptural Engagement: The Bible is considered the Word of God, with Jesus often described as the Word made flesh (John 1:14). Therefore, engaging with scripture is another way Christians experience the living presence of Jesus, hearing His voice and receiving His guidance.

Prayer and Meditation: Through prayer, Christians communicate with Jesus, expressing their adoration, confessions, thanksgiving, and requests. Many report feeling His presence and receiving direction and comfort in these moments of intimate communication.

Christian Community: The church is often called the Body of Christ on earth. Through mutual support, love, and service, believers experience Jesus’ presence in their interactions and collective worship.

Transformational Experiences: Personal testimonies of life changes and miracles are commonly cited by Christians as evidence of Jesus’s active presence in the world. These transformations are seen as the work of Christ, reshaping lives and circumstances in ways that point to His reality and power.

Social and Moral Influence: Jesus’ teachings influence global ethics and social values. His commandments to love one’s neighbor and serve the less fortunate have inspired countless charitable organizations and movements for social justice, suggesting His ongoing impact and presence.


For many believers, Jesus Christ’s presence in the 21st century is as tangible as spiritual. While not physically visible, His influence permeates all aspects of life and culture, guided by scripture, enacted through the Church, and felt personally by individuals. This belief offers comfort and guidance to Christians and motivates them to live out their faith in dynamic and transformative ways, evidencing the living Jesus in today’s world.

Click the following link for a free PDF copy of Dale Turner’s new book, “31 Connections That Will Help You Conquer Depression.  https://wished-for.com/join-email-list/   The free PDF book is mailed to Dale’s email list every Friday. 

The book is also available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/4apdMUR.   As an Amazon Associate, Dale Turner earns from qualified purchases.

Unconditional love             https://daleturner.org/unconditional-love/