Dale Turner

You Are Rich

You Can Be Rich You Are Rich reflects back to a time when I was a first-year college student in 1960. It was then that I met Professor John Grafton, a spry, mature teacher full of energy, humor, wisdom, and love for his students.  Professor Grafton, a lifelong Quaker, was filled with many short lessons […]

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Connections Conquer Depression

31 Connections Conquer Depression Introduction to Connections Conquer Depression. Depression is a common mood disorder that significantly impacts the daily lives of individuals around the world. Characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and various other symptoms, depression can affect anyone regardless of age,

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In The World Today

In The World Today (V!A!2) In contemporary Christian thought, Jesus Christ’s living presence is not just a historical fact but a current reality that influences the lives of millions around the world. Christians believe that Jesus, though he lived on earth over 2,000 years ago, remains present and active today. This belief is rooted in

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